Sidewalk Bends

Exploring the soul and it's reaches.

Posts Tagged ‘priest

No Closer

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Jacob's LadderA priest is no closer to God than a child with little knowledge of the world about him. A person who goes to church every day of every week is no closer to heaven than a person who seeks solace in the dwelling of their own heart. A person who has committed prayers to memory is no closer to having their prayers fulfilled than one who speaks candidly and without fanfare.

Kind words do not a person make. Great deeds and connections in high places do not a person make. We are on equal footing. No man or woman, whatever creed or stature, comes before the next. The line to the gates of heaven are made no closer by the volume of our prayers, or by our perceived connection to Creation. We are as One regardless of our understanding of it and any desire to exclude others from it. For in chastising others, or in celebrating our perceived standing, we have done nothing but separated ourselves. We have become divided amongst ourselves and within ourselves.

Bring peace to the world by seeing the peace within. Bring joy to the world by seeing the joy within. Bring understanding to the world by understanding yourself. Bring love to the world by loving yourself. One drop at a time, one soul at a time, we are united and we are One.

Child, Listen!

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Healer, heal thyself.
Teacher, teach thyself.
Preacher, preach to thy self.
Child, listen!


Written by Sidewalk Bends

October 14, 2010 at 5:29 pm

Posted in Philosphy

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A True Teacher

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The Religious Teacher Sherab SengeA true teacher does not need to boast.
A true teacher does not need to proclaim their knowledge.
A true teacher does not mock.
A true teacher does not put down another.
A true teacher knows their own heart.
A true teacher knows that he does not know all.
A true teacher knows when to be silent.
A true teacher offers without want for outcome.
A true teacher offers without want for reward.
A true teacher understands when he is the student.

Written by Sidewalk Bends

June 23, 2010 at 5:58 am

The Wise Are Confused

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Nelson Mandela 1990Even among the wise there is confusion. Even among the learned there is dismay. Even among the pious there is greed. Why is it we hold others to a standard we ourselves cannot keep? Why is it we would trust those who cannot trust themselves? Why is it we would hold the word of one person above all others? Surely if God is God, He would make Himself known to us in a way each and every individual could understand. Cannot the foolish know love? Cannot the uneducated know love? Cannot even the wicked know love? None comes before another for we are all in this together. Listen not to me, for even I can be confused. Listen to the wisdom of your heart.

Finding a Path

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Though it is true your path is your path and no one can tell you how to lead your life, it is not a sign of weakness to listen to others. Listen with an open heart and an open mind. If your mind is changed on something, then great. If you become more convinced that you are on target, then great. It does not matter that you agree with someone or disagree with someone. What matters is how you feel about what you hear or are told, and whether or not your heart tells you something is the truth or not. This does not mean subjective opinions or perspectives – for the truth is the truth.

a path

A title of priest, imam or rabbi means nothing. They are as we are, trying to understand this life. There are those however, who will surprise you. Not all are jaded or confused by their religion. It is how one uses what they know that serves as a barometer for a person’s spirit than their place in this world.

So do not try to fit yourself into a box. It is not about finding someone else’s path that matches with your own, because in the end all paths lead to the same place. The question is how far you want to travel and how tough do you want to make things on yourself. Do not be afraid that others will not understand. More often than not people will not understand, but that is okay as long as you are comfortable with your own sin, and have your own relationship with what you describe as God.

Words cannot describe that which is indescribable. So to those who think they know and have words they think can classify others, and the God they think they know, let them be. Let them be because their path is their path, and they will know in God’s time, not yours and not theirs.