Sidewalk Bends

Exploring the soul and it's reaches.

Posts Tagged ‘God

God Speaks in All of Us

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If God expressed His will to you, would you change His words? Would you add to it? Would you edit it? Would you give it a grand title? Would you turn it into your own?

By changing God’s word, do we not take His breath and suffocate ourselves? Like weights upon our chest, do we not add burdens to our heart, rather than setting ourselves free?

Perhaps to express God’s will is to Be, not to be seen, to be heard or to be followed, but to Be. Perhaps if God were God, He would not need judges to persecute, politicians to rally on His behalf, or ideologues to frame His intentions. If God were God, perhaps His words would stand on their own, without need for justification or convincing. Unconditional love is an unending Source.


Spiritual Guidance and Chat

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If you are seeking spiritual guidance or advice, or would just like to discuss spirituality even as it pertains to different belief systems, please join us in chat. All beliefs and opinions shall be respected. Please note that users may have beliefs contrary to your own. We encourage everyone to share their path. This venue is free to all and does not require any membership. Come as you will. Share as you will.

Comfort in the Divine

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Would you be so bold so as to speak for God/Allah? Are you so comfortable in knowing the Divine, that you would disregard your brothers and sisters? Would you deny another’s personal relationship with God at the risk of forsaking your own? When the left damns the right and the right damns the left, will you go to the center? When the world is upside down and what’s wrong is right and what’s right is wrong, will you then question yourself? When the world and all that you know is spinning out of control, will you then take the time to peer into the stillness? When the waves have crashed and you have been obliterated, will you say that you have been reborn? Do not cry for the lost, lest you have given up on them. Do not damn the wicked, lest you have turned your back on them. Do not love them less, lest you have turned your back on yourself.

Persecuting the dEvil

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good versus evilCan a person be holy and still persecute someone they deem evil? Can a person know love and then persecute someone for not finding love themselves? Can a person know love and then persecute someone when they find love in a different way? If the devil tried to teach you something, would you dismiss him simply because he was evil? If you didn’t take the time to know, could you ever find out?

Can a person know God and then proceed to tell another they did not? Can a person have a relationship with the Creator, and then wash their hands of His creations? Can a person know love, without knowing the Divine? Can a person love them self and still damn others for their beliefs?

Perhaps if we spent the time to understand others, we would not find it necessary to condemn someone for missing some mark. Perhaps if we really knew ourselves, we would not require others to subjugate their beliefs on our behalf. The dEvil goes by many a name, and yet so do We.

Prayer, Meditation with Purpose

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people in prayerThe power of prayer does not come from how many times we recite a prayer. The power of prayer does not come from how many people pray for the same outcome. It does not come from facing Mecca, or facing the Wailing Wall. The power of prayer does not come from sitting in a church or peering through a glass floor at the supposed birthplace of Jesus. It does not come from ringing bells, or lighting candles. The power of prayer does not come from intermediaries such as saints or devotees. The power of prayer comes from one’s true intent. Prayer is like having an intimate relationship with the Creator. Prayer allows one to speak directly with God/Allah to give thanks, or to ask for guidance. Prayer allows for communing with all that is. Prayer is meditation with purpose. Prayer is peaceful awakening.

You, Becoming Me

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I am a Sufi.
I am a Jew.
I am a Christian.
I am a Buddhist.
I am Hindi.
I am you.

I am a man.
I am a woman.
I am you.

I am a teacher.
I am a preacher.
I am a lawyer.
I am a servant.
I am a slave.
I am you.

I am creation.
I am destruction.
I am you.

I am you, becoming me.

If Your Heart Were Truly Open

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If your heart were truly open it could never be denied. Once the doors of your heart are open, they can never be shut. Once the eyes have seen, the ears have heard, and soul has sung, it cannot be taken back. There is hate in this world, and yet all is just. There is sadness in this world, and yet all is just. There is death in this world, and yet all is just. There suffering in this world, and yet all is just. Reach further and you will experience the happiness. Reach further and you will experience the joy. Reach further and you will experience creation. Reach further and you will experience the compassion. Look inside your heart, and the world is just.

When hope comes upon you, do not embrace it, for it is meant to be shared.
When peace comes upon you, do not embrace it, for it is meant to be shared.
When love comes upon you, do not embrace it, for it is meant to be shared.

Written by Sidewalk Bends

February 10, 2011 at 7:56 am

We Are

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The proof is all of life and existence. We can do no more to prove that God exists than we can to prove we are not here, but that we are everywhere. It is not our purpose to prove that God or the Divine exists because what is shall always be regardless of one’s belief or efforts to convince otherwise. Words can do no justice. Symbols can do no justice. We are. We are everything and everyone. We are every thought and every spoken word. We are the past and we are the future. We are all that is and all there will ever be, and yet we are nothing and everything all at once. We are, and yet so are you.

The Conscious God

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What is god for one is not good for all. We must remember that although we may each see God differently, and we may each call God by different names, we cannot fully know that which is all, until we know ourselves. When we know ourselves there will be no need to make others like us. There will be no need to convert one person from one belief to another, and no need to lambast someone for the beliefs they may hold dear. We are unique by design. Though my words may be different from yours and though my stories may be different from yours, we are very much the same. Created from the same breath, we each point the way.

Written by Sidewalk Bends

January 13, 2011 at 6:35 pm

Defining Moments

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When you meet someone how do you introduce yourself? Do you give them your name? Do you give them your age and astrological sign? Do you share your occupation or from what schools you graduated? Do you share your marital status or how many children you have? What defines you? Who defines you? Is it your family, your co-workers, friends, church, or activities and associations you belong to? Where does it end? Where does it begin? How far do you go? How many questions do you need to answer before you are satisfied?

Do you give enough to paint the picture just the way you like it? Do you share your fears and worries? Do you share your joys and aspirations? When does it serve you? There are so many things we do to portray ourselves in the best light, or hide ourselves all together that we often forget who we really are. We are more than the hollow shell we’ve created. We’re more than we’re sometimes willing to accept. And though we might not think others can see right through us, our souls are bare for all to see.

Hide as we may, the only question that matters is, “Who am I,” or perhaps it’s, “Who are We?”

Written by Sidewalk Bends

January 13, 2011 at 12:19 am