Sidewalk Bends

Exploring the soul and it's reaches.

Posts Tagged ‘authoritarian regimes

Self Indulgent

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How long must we debate the ways in which the world is broken before we lift a finger?
How long must we discuss the ways in which we can help others before we put our plans into action?
How many times must we analyze our dreams before we decide to live our life?
How much money must we raise before we’re ready to give it all away?
How many eyes must be on us before we decide to do the right thing?
How many times must we argue amongst ourselves before we realize we’re in the same boat?
How many screams must we endure before we listen?
How many must be falsely imprisoned before we speak of the injustice?
How many days must we allow to pass before we decide to live our lives to the fullest?
How long are you going to wait?